TLG-ASIA provides actionable insight!

Untangling global trade and investment landscape.

TLG-Asia empowers Korean firms globally with expert advisors, winning strategies, and access to seize opportunities, expand confidently, and gain a competitive edge.

There’s a huge market and opportunity!

Korea has a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with 59 countries where it trades without tariff (except for agricultural products). This means Korea’s business landscape is not limited to Korean peninsula. Rather, its business landscape is all those 59 countries with which it has FTA. This is a huge market and opportunity! Korean firms are in a great position to consider foreign investment or cross border business expansion, especially in large, demographically strong FTA countries such as the U.S. and India with growing markets.

Leverage data to compete and win!

In the fierce arena of business, staying ahead of the competition is the key to survival. However, successful strategies don’t materialize magically; they require a foundation of reliable data that generates actionable insights. Making decisions without data is akin to leaving everything to chance. At TLG-Asia, we understand the significance of data-driven decision-making, which is why we provide our clients with access to the world’s largest AI-driven deal sourcing database. This invaluable resource allows them to uncover deals that competitors might not be aware of, giving them a significant advantage in the market. With TLG-Asia’s cutting-edge data and insights, businesses can confidently navigate their way to success and secure a strong position in the ever-evolving business landscape

Partner with TLG-Asia for deal sourcing in the U.S. and India

At TLG-Asia, we empower Korean firms to seize market potential and capitalize on opportunities. Our team of experienced local advisors in the United States and India provides winning strategies, access and support. With TLG-Asia’s assistance, businesses can confidently expand beyond, gain a competitive edge, and tap into vast opportunities.