Current Deal



Current Deal

Due to the highly competent team at TLG-Asia, who possess expertise across a wide array of industry sectors, we presently have deal opportunities in the following areas:

Gaining U.S. government technology.

TLG-Asia is currently assisting a Korean firm in gaining access to U.S. government technology. This provides the firm with the opportunity to augment its existing capabilities by incorporating government technology or to create a new business or product around it to gain a competitive edge.

             Government innovations that TLG-Asia can facilitate access to for licensing include the following: 

    • Cyber
    • Data Science
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Mobility (data, people, services)
    • Security
Establish a new factory in the U.S.

We are assisting a solar manufacturing company in establishing a new factory in the southern U.S., covering aspects such as site selection, construction, state and federal subsidies, export subsidies, tax credits, and more.

Connect manufacturers with the U.S. construction industry.

We are facilitating the integration of new housing materials manufactured in Korea into a large affordable housing project with unique environmental and construction requirements.

Promote university-technology partnerships.

We are supporting a partnership between a public university and “smart farming” technology to explore sustainable food production while reducing water, fertilizer, and energy requirements.

Find supply chain or new customers.

We assist exporters from various industries (automobile, battery, new materials, etc.) in finding supply chain partners or new customers. Korean exporters can also subscribe to TLG-Asia partner “Cyndx”, which boasts the world’s largest AI-based database of 23 million companies for this purpose.

Find government-registered and certified international exporters.

We are aiding Korean firms in search of U.S. exporters. TLG-Asia maintains its own database with access to over 85,000 government-registered and certified international exporters based in the U.S. Many of these firms are looking to establish a global presence or form partnerships outside of the U.S.

unique real estate deals for investors

We also assist various investors in their search for “off-market” or unique real estate deals, such as subsidized 8a housing.